The Corey Press

Ann Marie Catabia

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Hand carved madness from Salem, MA. Medieval alien abductions, Lovecraftian weirdness, and occult conspiracies all bound in ink and pressed to wood.

I’m taking my cues from Salem. I’m taking one thing I like and mashing it together with something else. Aliens turn the Dance of Death into the Entfuhrentaz, the Abduction Dance. Great Old Ones menace the Norse from Olaus Magnus’ History of the Nordic Peoples. Knights ride dinosaurs and something slipped out of that Monster Manual you had when you were 13 and has taken up residence in your head.

The more I look at it, everything I make goes through the accused witch experience. Drawn and sketched out, worked over with knives and gouges, tarred with ink, and then pressed under weight only to be captured in wood. The work fights against the process, ink and woodgrain struggle to come together making each piece unique.